Why Does My Dog Put His Paw on Me?

Using their paw to reach out mimics a hug! It reflects your bond and their trust in physical closeness with you.  

Showing Affection

aw touches say "hey, don't forget me!" especially if you are distracted or busy with an activity that excludes them.

 Seeking Attention  

Pressing firmly with their paw can signal dominance over other pets or even human family members in the pack hierarchy

Asserting Dominance   

Clever pups learn that paw-placing works to get their needs met, like letting them outside or feeding time.  

Communicating Needs

Your dog may paw you when scared by things like thunderstorms, fireworks or vet visits to feel safe through your presence.  

Comfort Seeking

Arthritis, injury or neurological issues can cause frequent paw lifting too. Check with your vet if concerned.

Medical Reasons  

Lack of stimulation prompts pups to pester for attention. Make sure to exercise both body and brain.

Boredom Buster

7 Things Your Dog Wishes You’d Stop Doing