Your Cat's Obsessive Need To Rub On You  

Rubbing transfers facial pheromones from scent glands. This cat "handshake" welcomes newcomers while bonding social groups.  

Scent Building Bonds

Exchanging scents masks threats, avoiding disputes. It's like blending co-mingling friend groups through shared identity.  

Mixing Smells Socially  

Rubbing objects deposits fur and secretions announcing "I claim this!" Cats spread smells establishing territory control.

Claiming Ownership  

 In uncertain times, facial rubbing self-soothes by releasing feline pheromones. These can curb stress clinging when you comfort them. 

Easing Anxiety  

Cheek rubs demonstrate fondness, trust and choosing you as part of their exclusive inner circle. Take it as a compliment!

Affection Exchange   

Nudging legs announces "Stroke me, pay attention now!" in no uncertain terms when rubbing turns forceful.  

 Attention Grabbing  

Use vinyl covers, aluminum foil or citrus scents on surfaces to curb destructive scratching from territorial rubbing.  

 Furniture Frustrations

De-mystifying The Obsessive Cat Kneading Habit