Zodiacs Playing It Cool When Attracted

Geminis can be shy about sharing feelings early on. But if they like you, they'll make lots of eye contact and find excuses to be near you.  


Virgos may analyze a situation before making a move. But they'll help you out and remember details about you if they're interested.


Career-focused Capricorns proceed slowly in romance. But more smiling and personal questions are signs this pragmatic sign is attracted.


Quirky Aquarians play it cool by focusing on friendship first. But inside, their minds race with fantasies if they're crushing on you.


Cautious Cancers quietly observe at first. But small gifts and lots of emotional availability indicate they're nurturing a flame.


Patient Taureans take their time bonding. But they'll make lots of physical contact and display protectiveness if they're falling for you.


Scorpios try to play it cool, but their penetrating eyes give them away. They'll draw you into deep conversations to hint at their hidden passions.


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